Champions for Children Campaign

Support Talented Young Musicians: Join the Champions for Children Campaign 4th-18th June 2024
May 31, 2024

At Future Talent, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to explore and develop their musical talents, regardless of their financial background. That’s why we are thrilled to be taking part in the Champions for Children campaign, and we need your help to make it a success.

The campaign is running between Tuesday 4th and Tuesday 18th of June 2024. Donate to our Campaign Page during this time to have your donation doubled.

Double Your Impact with Matched Funding

What makes this campaign especially exciting is the matched funding opportunity. For every penny you donate, Future Talent will receive double the amount, effectively doubling the impact of your contribution. This means your support goes twice as far in helping young musicians access the resources they need, such as instruments, music lessons, and performance opportunities.

We're aiming to reach £10,000 worth of donations - which will be matched, meaning Future Talent receives £20,000! Help us reach this goal.

Meet Our Future Talents

To give you a glimpse of the incredible talent you’ll be supporting, watch the below videos to see the extraordinary skills we’ve been able to support so far.

These videos highlight just a few of the many talented individuals who benefit from the support of generous donors like you. Their stories are a testament to the transformative power of music and the vital role of community support in nurturing their growth.

How You Can Help

1.    Donate: Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference. Remember, your donation will be matched, doubling its impact. You can donate HERE between Tuesday 4th and Tuesday 18th June, midday.

2. Share: Help us spread the word about the Champions for Children campaign by sharing our videos and campaign details on your social media, by talking to your friends and family.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

By supporting the Champions for Children campaign, you are playing a crucial role in shaping the future of young musicians who might otherwise be unable to pursue their passion. Your generosity will empower themto reach new heights and inspire others with their music.

Visit our donation page to contribute and learn more abouthow your support can transform lives.

Thank you for being a champion for children and for helping to create a brighter, more musical future for these talented young individuals. Donate via our Campaign Page HERE.

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